Cooking Terms

Here is a quick reference to common cooking terms we use.

Cooking Terms H-M

Posted by Unknown Thursday, November 1, 2012 0 comments
Half-and-half A mixture of equal parts cream and milk. It has about 12 percent milk fat and cannot be whipped.   Haricot vert French for "green string bean", these beans are particularly thin and tender.   Heavy cream Also called heavy whipping cream. Heavy cream contains at least 46 perecent milk fat and is the richest cream available. It can be whipped to twice its volume.   Hoisin Sauce A sauce, popular in Asian cooking, that brings a multitude of sweet and spicy flavors to a dish: fermented...

Cooking Terms T-Z

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
    Tahini A flavoring agent, often used in Middle Eastern cooking, that's made from ground sesame seeds. Look for tahini in specialty food shops or Asian markets.   Tamari A dark, thin sauce made from soybeans. Tamari is a slightly thicker, mellower cousin of soy sauce and is used to flavor Asian dishes. In a pinch, substitute soy sauce.   Tamarind paste A thick, tart, brown Asian flavoring that comes from the fruit of a tamarind tree.   Thickeners Food substances used to...

Cooking Terms N-S

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Nonstick cooking spray This convenient product reduces the mess associated with greasing pans; it can also help cut down on fat in cooking. Use the spray only on unheatedbaking pans or skillets because it can burn or smoke if sprayed onto a hot surface. For safety, hold pans over a sink or garbage can when spraying to avoid making the floor or counter slippery.   Nuts Dried seeds or fruits with edible kernels surrounded by a hard shell or rind. Nuts are available in many forms, such as chopped, slivered, and...

Cooking Terms A-G

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Al dente Italian for "to the tooth." It describes pasta that is cooked until it offers a slight resistance when bitten into, rather than cooked until soft. Almond paste A creamy mixture made of ground, blanched almonds and sugar that's often used as a filling in pastries, cakes, and confections. For best baking results, use an almond paste without syrup or liquid glucose. Anchovy paste A mixture of ground anchovies, vinegar, and seasonings. Anchovy paste is available in tubes in the canned fish or gourmet section of the supermarket. Artificial...

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